Author Guidelines

Conditions and procedure for submission of articles

We accept research articles for publishing in online journal «Agricultural and Resource Economics: International Scientific E-Journal» on a continual basis. We accept articles that have not been previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere. We accept research articles addressing specific problems, general issues, methodological issues, the results of original research and case studies meeting current economics understanding and have scientific and practical value. Articles can be cross-disciplinary. We accept articles in English, Ukrainian or Polish. 

For an article to be considered for publication  in the journal you need to send:

1. The form for the author. If an article has been prepared through the joint efforts of several authors you need to fill in a form about each contributor.

2. The file with the text of manuscript (in English or Ukrainian or Polish), laid out according to the requirements for the design and srtucture. For publishing we only accept manuscripts in text editor MS Word format. The form and content of text files must be carefully checked to eliminate the need for further amendment.

3. The scanned copy signed by the author (and all co-authors) of the Agreement that the article is a proprietary of author(s), not previously published by or submitted to other publications. The agreement confirms the author(s) consent to the disclosure of personal information and open access posting of the full text of articles on the official website of the journal and the international scientometric databases, which are used to index the publication. By signing the agreement, the author(s) declare no conflict of interest that could affect the results, interpretation and conclusions of the study.

We only accept manuscript for review with the full package of accompanying documents.


The process of submitting and reviewing article

All manuscript papers, together with supporting documents, should be sent by e-mail to or Manuscripts will only be accepted for consideration if it complies with the applicable requirements and topics of the journal. The manuscript  will only be accepted if you have submitted an appropriate e-mail address.

Before the publication all articles are reviewed by leading domestic and foreign experts in related branches of science. The process for the secret review of articles usually lasts no longer than 45 working days from the working day after the date of receipt of the manuscript by editorial office.

According to results of reviewing the article can be published unchanged or with minor changes recommended by the reviewer, returned to the author(s) with recommendations for significant revisions and subsequently re-reviewed, or rejected.

Revision and return of the manuscript by the author(s) to address the changes and adjustments recommended by the review should usually not take no longer than 25 working days from the day after the e-mailing of the review. After this period the manuscript will be automatically rejected.

The Editor-in-Chief takes the final decision to publish the manuscript after considering its relevance, novelty, scientific importance and the reliability of the data. Content of manuscript is evaluated regardless of nationality, race, sex, political opinion, and/or the institutional affiliation of the author(s). The editor will not give permission to publish the manuscript if there are reasonable grounds to conclude that plagiarism has occurred. The editor will address all issues that arise during the review and publication of manuscripts, and in cases of conflict shall take all necessary measures to prevent violations of the rights of the author(s).

Only after finalization of all matters concerning the content of the manuscript of the article (eg, re-review if it is required by the previous review) will it be considered accepted for publication. Article processing charge (APC) is paid only after the manuscript had been reviewed and accepted for publication. 

Within a week of the approval of manuscript the editorial board will inform the author(s) about the probable timing of publication and issue of the journal in which it will be published.

The editorial board of the scientific journal «Agricultural and Resource Economics: International Scientific E-Journal» will place the articles on the official website of the publication – Metadata on the published articles is placed in scientometric databases.



ATTENTION! Authors should use and format their articles in  EnglishUkrainian and Polish.

Requirements for the design and structure of the text:

1. Articles should be  A4 (210 x 297 mm) with 2 cm margins on all sides, 1 cm indentation and single-spaced. The articles should normally be from 15 pages.

2. Font – Times New Roman, size – 14.

3. For each article the JEL Classification (Economic Literature Classification System), should be written on the left, uppercase, bold font.

4. Author’s name should be indented on the right in italic, bold font.

5. Under the author's name, and on the right, indented and in normal italic, should be the name of their institution. If an article is written by several authors working in various institutions, after the author’s name and before the name of the institution where they are affiliated, make a mark with the appropriate superscript numbers. If an article is written individually or the authors are all affiliated to one institution, then do not make any mark.

6. In the next line indicate the name of country, indented on the right in normal italic (if authors are from different countries, indicate the name of the country after the name of the institution).

7. After indenting and aligned with the middle of the page indicate the title of the article in bold letters, font size 14.

8. Next there should be the abstract, which is indented, italic and size 12 font size. For English-language articles the abstract should only be provided in English. For Ukrainian and Polish Language articles abstracts should be provided in two languages: (1) Ukrainian or Polish – 1800–2500 characters, considering spaces, (2) English – 1800–2500 characters, considering spaces. An abstract should identify the purpose of the paper, information about the content of the core idea of paper and provide a brief overview of the results obtained in the research. Please format the abstract as separate paragraphs: (1) Purpose, (2) Methodology / approach, (3) Results, (4) Originality / scientific novelty and (5) Practical value / implications.

Paragraphs 4, 5, 6 and 7 of these requirements should be provided in language of the abstract before each abstract.

9. After each abstract keywords for the article (normally 5–7 keywords that do not duplicate the title of the article) should be provided. These are un-indented and in the same font size and language as the abstract.

10. Then, after indenting the first line write the main text.

11. The main text should be structured as follows:









Requirements for references and links to them

Links for references should be marked in the text in square brackets, for example, [3, p. 35; 8, pp. 56–59]. The first digit indicates the source number in the bibliography and the second the page in the source (pages are indicated only for books and quotations). Where there is more than one source they are separated a semicolon. The article must contain at least 20 bibliographic sources. At least 50 % of the used sources should be from Web of Science and/or Scopus indexed journals.
Under the new rules, taking into account the requirements of international systems of quoting authors of non-English papers should give a list of used sources in two versions: one in the original language and as separate block of the same list of sources (References) in the Latin alphabet (APA Style), that is translated into English repeating in the same sequence all sources of literature, regardless of whether it is among them foreign. Example of proper design «References» can be found here. At the end of bibliographic descriptions of source should necessarily to specify a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), when available.

In the English-language articles links for references in the text can be made in the APA Style and are only «References».

Please note that you should not refer on textbooks, manuals, lectures, workshops and other unscientific literature. Links to your own scientific work are allowed only in cases of urgent need, and should not represent more than 10 % of total sources. It is preferable not to refer to conference proceedings. Articles from recognized foreign and domestic journals and monographs that have been published over the past seven years should be prevalent in your references. All quotations should end with the reference. Authors named in the article should be on the list of sources.

Requirements for tables, figures and formulas

The numbering of tables should be appropriate. The number should be on the right (e.g. Table 1) and followed by the name, all of which should be placed above the table with center alignment and in bold text. The placement of tables and figures in album format is not desirable.

Illustrations, such as figures and formulas, should also be numbered and named (e.g. Figure 2. Model of management of production effectiveness), but they should have their names under the illustration. They should have a center alignment and be in bold text. Figures made in MS Word need grouping and should be the only graphic objects.

Text in tables and figures should be in Times New Roman, size 12, although, in exceptional cases, the font size can be smaller.

The author should always show the source of the information used after each figure and table (e.g. Source: calculated on the basis of statistical yearbook «Agriculture in Ukraine») with indent and in font size 12.

Formulas should be performed using the integrated formula editor MS Equation, presented with italics, with a center alignment, and numbered on the right side.

Further requirements

The article should not contain hyphenation or macros. Paragraphs must only be marked by key «Enter» (formatting to only the parameters paragraph) and should not use spaces or tabs (button «Tab»). The text should be structured in a logical sequence, without unnecessary repetition, using clear language, and in accordance with the style requirements of scientific text. The material should be carefully proofread and corrected to ensure the minimization of spelling, grammatical and stylistical mistakes. The file name for the article must include the author's name (eg.: Kucherenko_article). The article must be in a template.

We kindly ask you to follow all requirements for registration of articles.

Before sending an article, please check its compliance with the requirements of each item.