Formation of the organizational-economic mechanism of agricultural enterprises energy efficiency

  • Nataliia Stativka Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration of National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine
  • Nataliia Lialina Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V. V. Dokuchaev
Keywords: organizational-economic mechanism, energy efficiency, energy saving, fuel energy resources, renewable energy sources, systemic approach.


The purpose of the articlethe deepening of the theoretical positions of the energy efficiency by studying of the organizational-economic mechanism of its provision in the agricultural enterprises, the definition of its main components. Improving the efficiency of the domestic economy is a crucial macroeconomic challenge that requires a systematic approach to strategic management processes, energy efficiency, energy saving. The article deals with the organizational-economic mechanism of energy efficiency assurance of agricultural enterprises, that will contribute to raising its level of competitiveness, sustainability and protection of the natural environment, the increase in the social component of the enterprise, region, state. The main components of the proposed mechanism are specified: the factors and components that should be considered when establishing a mechanism of energy efficiency assurance; energy saving assurance; state regulation of the national economy in the field of building energy efficiency, particularly in agriculture.



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How to Cite
Stativka, N., & Lialina, N. (2017). Formation of the organizational-economic mechanism of agricultural enterprises energy efficiency. Agricultural and Resource Economics: International Scientific E-Journal, 3(2), 56-64.