Accounting and analytical support as a factor of effectiveness of management of the rational forest use

  • Anna Makarenko National University of Life and Environmental Sciences
Keywords: accounting, management, accounting and analytical support, forest resources, the forest rational management, SWOT-analysis.


The paper presents the results of study of the formation of the accounting and analytical support system adjusting the accounting forest complex to the current requirements, which requires a new approach implementation regarding the integration of forest resources at the enterprise level. The purpose of this system is to evaluate the outcomes of forestry and responsibility centers within the required time period. The accounting and analytical support management include processes that are incorporated in and are intended to meet the needs of converting primary information into the summary. To determine the importance of accounting and analytical support as a particular philosophy of management strategies in forest management activities the matrix SWOT-analysis is presented, it provides the basis for reflection on what you should pay attention to during the governance process. The application of the research results may contribute to improve the effectiveness of management forestry enterprises improvement using accounting and analytical support.


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How to Cite
Makarenko, A. (2017). Accounting and analytical support as a factor of effectiveness of management of the rational forest use. Agricultural and Resource Economics: International Scientific E-Journal, 3(2), 109-121.