Forms of management in agricultural production: state and development opportunities
forms of management, agricultural land, agricultural production, agricultural enterprises, farm economies, households.Abstract
The article deals with the conducted research of functioning existing under the conditions of present various management forms in different sphere of agrarian common forms, the operation of which is reflected in the activities of the three groups organizational and economic structure, namely agricultural enterprises, farm economies and households. These forms of management have and use in their activities different in terms of areas of agricultural land, produce the number of different types of agricultural products, hold unequal number of livestock of farm animals. This focused attention on research results for the functioning of the new Ukraine, but effectively functioning for many centuries in advanced countries in the world space, farm forms of management. To establish certain trends and law to develop effective forms of the control, used in farm economy of Lviv region in 1990–2015 years. This approach is achieved by comparing the rate of agricultural development of socialism era (1990) and in the era of market reforms (1995 and behind its limits). Comparing economic era that has passed from the era, is formed objectively and can identify opportunities for the development of forms of economic conditions both current and future. The research results give reason to assert that every form of agrarian entity has future development, taking this or that niche in compound processes of agricultural production output.
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