Ukrainian restaurant business in formation of food safety under eurointegration conditions
The scientific view at the restaurant industry which affects on the level of the Ukrainian population food supplying is presented in the research paper. The role of the out of the house meals in improving of the food safety system of Ukraine is shown. Priority economic and organizational tendencies of restaurant business development in Ukraine as the mean of counteraction to the expansion of European brands, producers and suppliers of raw materials were identified. Prospective analysis of state measures which are aimed at activating the formation of Euro-oriented business environment was carried out. It is proved that the gradual bringing of the management principles to European norms already has positive impact on the business climate and creates the necessary conditions for increasing the level of sectoral competitiveness of the national restaurant business enterprises; increasing of investments in this economy sector, in particular, connected with the use of European resources; promotes the intensification of demand for products and services of restaurant enterprises.
It is shown that the developed restaurant economy is profitable sector of the country's economy, which, apart from servicing different contingents of consumers and providing them with food services, positions the country profitably on the international market. As the European restaurant business is the most stable in the world, it makes its actual example for national restaurateurs’ imitation. Priority market segments of the out-of-home market for the further development of restaurant business enterprises: medium, medium plus and lower segments with quality improving are identified and it meets the expectations of restaurant audiences where competition intensifying is expected.
The complex of progressive competitive forms, formats and popular trends of restaurant business was proposed, the schemes of their adaptation and optimization to the national realities which are aimed at preserving national color and authentic traditions were substantiated for solving of Ukrainian restaurant business applied problems in order to European level achieving.
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