Mechanism for providing the development of organic agricultural production in Ukraine
organic agricultural production, mechanism of providing development, state policy instruments, certification, ecological control, agroecological audit, advisory center.Abstract
Purpose. The purpose of the study is to analyze the conditions of the development of organic agricultural production, to develop and substantiate the effective mechanism of its providing in Ukraine, to determine its main components.
Methodology / approach. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the dialectical method of cognition, the systematic approach to the study of economic phenomena and processes, the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists on the problems of theory and practice of providing the development of organic agricultural production. From the special methods of research there have been used abstract-logical – for the generalization of the components of the mechanism for the development of organic agricultural production, the formulation of conclusions; economic-statistical – during the analysis of the current state and forecasting of the prospects of the development of organic production in Ukraine and the world); graphic – during the construction of graphic images of investigated processes.
Results. As a result of the research, the mechanism for providing the development of organic agricultural production was substantiated and the main components of it were defined: principles and tools of the state policy that would promote the effective organization of organic agricultural production, its information support, the state system of certification of production certification and agroecological control, which enables to form the preconditions to provide an investment-innovative model for the development of agrarian enterprises, strengthening of competitive place on the market of organic products, deepening integration into the international economy.
Originality / scientific novelty. The theoretical position on the development of organic agricultural production was further developed by substantiating the mechanism of its providing, the definition of its main components. It was established that if the overall trend of organic farming development is maintained, in 2020 the area of organic crops in Ukraine may increase to 507 thousand hectares, and the number of certified organic farms will increase to 575.
Practical value / implications. The practical implications of the results are that their use will promote the development of organic agricultural production, increase the efficiency of existing enterprises and their competitiveness both in regional markets and in foreign markets with simultaneous economic growth, social development and increase the level of environmental security of the country.
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