Economic evaluation of management system effectiveness at the agrarian educational institution
educational institution, management system, economic evaluation, activity, economic indicators, perspectives.Abstract
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to evaluate the effectiveness of management system at the agricultural educational institution based on the economic indicators of its activities.
Methodology / approach. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is a method of dialectical cognition, as well as conceptual provisions and the results of the researches of domestic and foreign scientists on the management effectiveness of business entities. The study was carried out built on the scientific general and specific methods such as abstract-logical for theoretical generalization of the scientific researches and making the conclusions, economic and statistical to determine the dynamics of changes in the relevant indicators of the enterprise, inductive-deductive for developing the system of indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of enterprise management, analysis and synthesis to identify the influence of management system on the economic effectiveness of the enterprise, and monographic to deepen the understanding of the concept of «management effectiveness». The information bases of the study were statistical and financial statements of the Lipkovatovskiy Agrarian College.
Results. The article highlights the objective reasons for the reduction of educational institutions in Ukraine and provides a brief overview of the scientists' opinions on the concept of «management effectiveness». The economic analysis of educational and practical center «Lipkovatovskiy Agrarian College» is carried out. The perspectives on the college's strategy development are substantiated. The evaluation of management system effectiveness based on the economic indicators of the educational institution is conducted.
Originality / scientific novelty. The article presents the results of the study, which economically justify the perspectives on the strategy development of educational and practical center «Lipkovatovskiy Agrarian College». The approach to the evaluation of management system effectiveness at the educational institution based on the economic indicators of its activity is proposed.
Practical value / significance. The results of the study could be used for developing a strategic plan for the development of an educational institution and evaluation the effectiveness of its management system.
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