Evaluation of economic efficiency of innovations in organic agriculture
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to evaluate the economic efficiency of innovations in organic agriculture by determining the feasibility of using biological preparations in the cultivation of various crops based on experimental data.
Methodology / approach. The studies are based on general theoretical and applied approaches that are related to the problem of evaluating innovative measures and implementations in organic agriculture, their adaptive and flexible use of modern and advanced technological solutions, which allows to increase the economic efficiency of organic production without causing extreme reverse processes in soil formation, preserving its natural resource potential and providing conditions for expanded reproduction at soil fertility. To describe and construct an algorithm for the presentation of scientific research and its results, a monographic one was used for methodological and practical experience of using biological preparations, and a statistical – was used to assess the least significant difference upon 0,05 level of significance on the yield of corn on grain and buckwheat (LSD0,05), balance – determining the spend to receipt of the main and sideline products, structurally-calculated – calculating economic efficiency from applying the biological preparations to increase them yield, generalization – summing up the intermediate and finality results of economic analysis by the data of calculations for microfield experiments.
Results. The economic efficiency using the innovations in organic agriculture was evaluated, in particular, the effectiveness used biological preparations in growing crops. It is proved that use the biological preparations contribute to the growth of not only economic, but also environmental effect. The economic evaluation growing corn for grain was given, in this case, integrated application the biological preparations is ineffective, but during growing buckwheat – on the contrary, their complex application is the most effective.
Originality / scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of this paper contains opportunities using biological preparations, taking into account modern advances in agriculture, in particular in such a complex and environmentally sensitive field as organic agriculture has been further developed. The organization and conduct of the research involved obtaining response values for crop yields as when separately administering biologics (polymyxobacterin, hetomic, diazobacterin and ecostern), as well as in combination thereof. At the same time, the emphasis is no less significant on the study of changes in sideline, economic assessment of innovative measures that contribute to the rapid accumulation organic matter through the humification from sideline products to improve the state of humus balance, because it crucial issue by degradation soils in Ukraine.
Practical value / implications. The possibility of applying innovations in organic agriculture requires deliberate actions and obtaining clear experimental results, since the incompleteness of the factors leads not only to economic losses of specific agricultural producers, but also directly causes environmental damage, which affects soil fertility, especially. The research results show that biological preparations use both individually and in combination we have given different economic efficiency, which depends on crops, as well as on the conditions of their cultivation. The greatest cumulative economic effect from the introduction of fertilizer and protective biological preparations in the experiment with sowing corn for grain was achieved by the hetomic – 4414 UAH/ha, and in the cultivation of buckwheat with ecostern – 1963 UAH/ha; however, the complex application of diazobacterin and hetomics amounted to 1891 UAH/ha, and in terms of profitability of 43.9 %, it slightly exceeds the first option, which is 42.5 %, respectively. Summarize we should say that all these options have a high level of economic efficiency to using innovations aimed at deepening the biologization of agricultural production and improving quit efficiency organic agriculture.
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