Measures to reduce food loss and waste in Ukraine
food loss, food waste, food chain.Abstract
Purpose. The aim of the study is to summarize the causes of food loss and food waste, substantiate approaches to reduce food losses and food waste, especially for small and medium farms (households and small farmers), at each stage of the food chain and policy measures.
Methodology / approach. The research is based on theoretical provisions and practical recommendations for the formation of the food supply system, scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists on the problems of food loss and waste. The methodological basis of the study were the following methods: abstraction and generalization in the formation of conclusions and recommendations; general logical and historical during the study of the achievements of domestic and foreign scientists to reduce food losses; logical method for establishing the causes and justification of measures to prevent food loss and waste; direct analysis and synthesis in the development of proposals for the necessary initiatives to address the food loss and waste at each stage of the food chain.
Results. The reasons and measures to reduce food loss and waste were generalized; proposals (their content and features for the implementation of individual approaches) on the necessary initiatives to address the challenge of food loss and waste at each stage in the food chain were developed; recommendations that can accelerate the implementation of measures to reduce food loss and waste were offered.
Originality / scientific novelty. According to the results of the study the following was further developed: systematization of the causes of food loss and waste and appropriate measures to prevent them; recommendations for reducing food losses and food waste at each stage of the food chain; policy measures to reduce food and food loss and waste.
Practical value / implications. The results of the study are aimed at ensuring a sustainable food system of Ukraine in the context of globalization. The findings and suggestions of the study can be used at the level of national, regional, local and sectoral planning and the use of approaches to food security.
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Rosenlund, J., Nyblom, A., Matschke Ekholm, Н. М. and Sorme, L. (2020), The emergence of food waste as an issue in Swedish retail. British Food Journal, vol. 122, is. 11, pp. 3283–3296.
Alfiero, S., Christofi, M. and Bonadonna, A. (2019), Street food traders, farmers and sustainable practice to reduce food waste in the Italian context. British Food Journal, vol. 122, no. 5, pp. 1361–1380.
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Amicarelli, V., Bux, C. and Lagioia, G. (2020), How to measure food loss and waste? A material flow analysis application. British Food Journal,
Dusoruth, V. and Peterson, H. H. (2020), Food waste tendencies: behavioral response to cosmetic deterioration of food. РLOS ONE, vol. 15, no. 5, e0233287.
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Kinach, L., Parizeau, K. and Fraser, E. D. G. (2020), Do food donation tax credits for farmers address food loss/waste and food insecurity? A case study from Ontario. Agriculture and Human Values, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 383–396.
Messner, R., Richards, C. and Johnson, H. (2020), The “Prevention Paradox”: food waste prevention and the quandary of systemic surplus production. Agriculture and Human Values, vol. 37, pp. 805–817.
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Kotykova, O. and Babych, M. (2019), Economic impact of food loss and waste. AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 57–71.
Kotykova, O. and Babych, M. (2019), Limitations in availability of food in Ukraine as a result of loss and waste. Oeconomia Copernicana, vol. 10, no. 1, pр. 153–172.ос.2019.008.
Parfitt, J., Barthel, M. and Macnaughton, S. (2010), Food waste within food supply chains: quantification and potential for change to 2050. Philosophical Transactions of Royal Society, Biological Sciences, vol. 365, is. 1554, pp. 3065–3081.
Ciccullo, F., Shebanina, O., Burkovska, A., Lunkina, T. and Burkovska, A. (2019), Modeling the system of social stability through the food safety paradigm. Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development. vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 474–486.
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Lipinski, B., Hanson, C., Lomax, J., Kitinoja, L. and Searchinger, T. (2013), “Reducing Food Loss and Waste.” Working Paper, Installment 2 of Creating a Sustainable Food Future. World Resources Institute, Washington, DC, USA.
Lal Basediya, A., Samuel, D. V. and Beera, V. (2013), Evaporative cooling system for storage of fruits and vegetables – a review. Journal of food science and technology, vol. 50, pp. 429–442.
The Food Loss & Waste Protocol (2019), available at:
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 20 December (2018). URL:
Aulakh, J. and Regmi, A. (2013), Post-harvest food losses estimation- development of consistent methodology, available at: