Barriers to creating of competitive advantages in the sectors of food provision sphere of Ukraine
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to find out the reasons which to slow down gaining of the competitive advantages by the participants of food provision sphere of Ukraine in modern dynamic conditions.
Methodology / approach. The methodological basis of the study was a systematic approach to the investigation of the economic phenomena and processes, which allowed revealing the necessity to build continuous technological chains for gaining competitive advantage into related branches. The tendencies characteristics of its development based on innovations the Michael Porter's method is based on. The study of economic behaviour of Ukrainian consumers was provided through the prism of the Strauss–Howe generational theory.
Results. Based on the peculiarities of the functioning of food provision sphere producers, four common mutually reinforcing factors have been identified that not only correspond to the system of conditions of the external economic environment, but also contribute to increasing the competitiveness of its components based on sustainable use of the nation's natural potential. The studying of economic behaviour of food market consumers on the basis of statistical data taking into account of the population generations allowed to obtain scalar measurements that can be aggregated taking into account differences in values that depends on a person's residence place in a particular period of time.
Originality / scientific novelty. The scientific novelty lies in the adaptation of the scientific and methodological approach to the competitive advantages gaining according to Porter, to the limitations of innovative development of the food provision sphere components of Ukraine, taking into account the generations' valuables orientations of its indigenous population.
Practical value / implications. The developed approach allows making reasonable conclusions about the pace of innovative development of the food provision sphere components of Ukraine and the correspondence of the vector of competitive advantages gaining to the readiness of Ukrainian society for progressive changes.
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