Migration and human development in Ukraine: features of interaction and priorities of state regulation
migration, migration activity, human development, sustainable development, state human development policy, opportunities environment, monitoring.Abstract
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to substantiate theoretically the relationship between migration and human development in the system of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, to reveal a modern understanding environment of the opportunities as a factor in shaping the migration potential, to formulate recommendations for the implementation of the state policy for human development under conditions of high migration activity of the population, relevant for Ukraine.
Methodology / approach. The general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization, graphic method) and special ones (statistical analysis, comparison, organizational and managerial modeling) were the basis of the methodological approach. Current ideas in determining the competitive conditions of environment of opportunities for human development were systematized in order to generalize the theoretical foundations of the study. Statistical analysis was performed on the example of Ukraine as a migration-active country using data from international statistical platforms UNDP, IОМ, ILO, Eurostat, Worldometer. Interstate comparative analysis made it possible to substantiate the need for the formation and implementation of the state policy for human development under conditions of high migration activity of the population. Ishikawa diagram specifying the target areas and the measures algorithm of their achievement was used to determine the catalyze priorities of such a policy.
Results. In the article there were made the theoretical and applied justifications for the modern understanding of migration, human development and their interaction in terms of the formation of the internal environment of opportunities in the global mobile space of competitive redistribution of human potential. The interstate comparative analysis of the main socio-economic indicators on the example of Ukraine to identify applied problems of human development of a migration-active society was conducted. The excessive gaps indicated the priority spheres of state policy for human development as a measures’ set of demographic, valeological, educational, economic, environmental and security nature, aimed at ensuring decent, socially just and active living conditions with respect for choice and movement freedom. The priorities of the state policy for human development under the conditions of high migration activity of the population were offered. They provide an opportunity to substantiate management focuses on the implementation of monitoring of human development and migration, improving the efficiency of migration capital and the welfare of the population, stimulating demographic reproduction, the formation of social unity and legal culture.
Originality / scientific novelty. There were improved the theoretical and applied bases of research of relationship between human development and population migration in the context of realization of choice right and movement freedom. The methodical bases of the comparative analysis of the internal opportunities’ environment of human development of migration-active society were further developed. The method of Ishikawa diagram (Constructing a Fishbone) to specify the priorities of the state policy for human development under the conditions of high migration activity of the population was used for the first time.
Practical value / implications. The content, purpose, spheres and priorities of the state policy for human development under the conditions of high migration activity of the population were substantiated. The applied recommendations for the implementation of such a policy for migration-active Ukrainian society were formulated.
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