Increasing the competitiveness of enterprises based on the use of marketing management tools
marketing, strategy of development, competitive advantage of enterprises, managementAbstract
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the need to use marketing management tools to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise and create a model of interaction of tools in the implementation of marketing strategies.
Methodology / approach. The research was conducted on the base of sociological methods by means of statistical questioning of 200 respondent-entrepreneurs, owners, or runners of small business in the Western Region of Ukraine. Using the analysis of variance, the authors of the article studied variation of the results of the sociological investigation on marketing management tools, used for implementation of different strategies of business development. The factorial analysis was used to describe the factor structure of the marketing management tools. The calculations are made with application of the software Statistica 8.
Results. Substantiation of the use of marketing tools to increase the competitive advantage of enterprises based on the results of the conducted sociological interviewing of 200 respondent-entrepreneurs, owners or managers of small and medium-sized businesses. Referring to the results of the factorial analysis of marketing management tools, used for implementation of different strategies of business development, the researchers specify three factors.
Originality / scientific novelty. For the first time, the model of interaction of marketing management tools in the context of implementation of marketing strategies is formed, and it is investigated a structure of marketing tools at implementation of various strategies of business development to increase competitiveness of the enterprises.
Practical value / implications. The main purpose of using marketing management tools is determined, which will allow enterprises to coordinate their marketing activities, optimally allocate resources at all its stages and, as a result, will directly influence the formation and increase the level of competitiveness. The research results can be applied at enterprises of the Western region of Ukraine to provide substantiation of management decisions regarding improving competitiveness on the basis of marketing management.
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