Trends in research of responsible investment in the context of sustainable development: bibliometric analysis

Keywords: bibliometric analysis, responsible investment, sustainable development, Web of Science, VOSviewer, clusters


Purpose. The purpose of the article is to outline trends and priorities for the study of responsible investment in the context of sustainable development and explore research institutions and publishing activities in this area.

Methodology / approach. The study used bibliometric, structural, cluster and graphic analysis, as well as methods for visualizing the publishing activity of scientists on responsible investment according to the Web of Science platform and using VOSviewer software.

Results. Based on a study of 1534 articles on the topic of responsible investment, in such areas of analysis as publication categories, dynamics of publications, types of organizations, authors' activity, publishing rating, countries of publication activity, citations of articles, clustering of terms and cited authors, the bibliometric field of this concept was characterized and visualized. The most cited articles which are directed on revealing of tendencies of disclosure and the subsequent monitoring of subjects of VI as bases of sustainable development of economy are investigated. The publishing activity of the authors and the most cited and relevant articles are analyzed. Four thematic clusters in the study of responsible investment (empirical, behavioral, generalizing and supporting) and the most famous institutions, involved in the study of responsible investment, were revealed.

Originality / scientific novelty. The main parameters of the bibliometric field of responsible investment were characterized by means of cluster, structural and graphical analysis of the dynamics of individual indicators. For the first time, on the basis of the identified clusters, the affiliation of the research topic to the related “empirical” and “supply” cluster was determined. It was determined that the connection between clusters of responsible investment is manifested in their role as tools and at the same time strategies for the formation of new investment opportunities.

Practical value / implications. The obtained results allow substantiating the key approaches to understanding responsible investment and the most priority areas of its research, to determine the sources of its scientific and methodological support on the way to sustainable development.


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1. Bielenberg, A., Kerlin, M., Oppenheim, J. and Roberts, M. (2016), Financing change: how to mobilize private sector financing for sustainable infrastructure. McKinsey Center for Business and Environment, available at:
2. Plastun, A., Yelnikova, Y., Shelyuk, A., Vorontsova, A. and Artemenko, A. (2020), The role of public investment policy and responsible investment in sustainable development financing. Agricultural and Resource Economics, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 108–125.
3. Yelnikova, Y. and Golochalova, I. (2020), Social bonds as an instrument of responsible investment. Financial Markets, Institutions and Risks, vol. 4, is. 4, pp. 119–128.
4. Makarenko, I., Serpeninova, Yu. and Pogorila, K. (2018), Institutional support for sustainable development financing in the light of the multistakeholder approach. Agricultural and Resource Economics, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 85–96.
5. Vorontsova, A., Mayboroda, T. and Lieonov, H. (2020), Innovation management in education: impact on socio-labour relations in the national economy. Marketing and Management of Innovations, is. 3, pp. 346–357.
6. Formankova, S., Trenz, O., Faldik, O., Kolomaznik, J. and Vanek, P. (2018), The future of investing-sustainable and responsible investing. Marketing and Management of Innovations, vol. 2, pp. 94–102.
7. Fabregat-Aibar, L., Barberà-Mariné, M. G., Terceño, A. and Pié, L. (2019), A bibliometric and visualization analysis of socially responsible funds. Sustainability, vol. 11(9), 2526.
8. Rahman, M., Isa, C. R., Tu, T. T., Sarker, M., Kaium Masud, Md. A. (2020), A bibliometric analysis of socially responsible investment sukuk literature. Asian Journal of Sustainability and Social Responsibility, vol. 5, 7.
9. Lemonakis, Ch., Kouskoukis, M. N., Garefalakis, A., Zopounidis, C. and Eskantar, M. (2020), A bibliometric analysis of ethical investments (EI) research: alternative investments In Recent advances and applications in alternative investments, ed. C. Zopounidis, D. Kenourgios, G. Dotsis, pp. 286–305.
10. Widyawati, L. (2020), A systematic literature review of socially responsible investment and environmental social governance metrics. Business Strategy and the Environment, vol. 29, is. 2, рр. 619–637. Barroso, J. S. S. and Araújo, E. A. (2020), Socially responsible investments (SRIs) – mapping the research field. Social Responsibility Journal, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 508–528.
12. Official site Web of Science, available at:
13. Nagy, J., Olah, J., Erdei, E., Mate, D. and Popp, J. (2018), The role and impact of Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things on the business strategy of the value chain-the case of Hungary, Sustainability, vol. 10(10), 3491.
14. Medeiros, J. F., Ribeiro, J. L. D. and Cortimiglia, M. N. (2014), Success factors for environmentally sustainable product innovation: a systematic literature review. Journal of cleaner production, vol. 65, рр. 76–86.
15. Sparkes, R. and Cowton, C. J. (2004), The maturing of socially responsible investment: a review of the developing link with corporate social responsibility. Journal of business ethics, vol. 52, pp. 45–57.
16. Louche, C. and Roome, N. (2016), Journeying toward business models for sustainability: a conceptual model found inside the black box of organisational transformation. Organization & Environment, vol. 29, is. 1, pp. 11–35.
17. Galema, R. Plantinga, A. and Scholtens, B. (2008), The stocks at stake: return and risk in socially responsible investment. Journal of Banking & Finance, vol. 32, is. 12, pp. 2646–2654. 10.1016/j.jbankfin.2008.06.002.
18. Slager, R., Gond, J.-P. and Moon, J. (2012), Standardization as institutional work: the regulatory power of a responsible investment standard. Organization Studies, vol. 33, is. 5–6, pр. 763–790. 10.1177/0170840612443628.
19. Zarbafi, E. M. (2011), Responsible investment and the claim of corporate change. A sensemaking perspective on how institutional investors may drive corporate social responsibility. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, Wiesbaden, Germany.
20. Renneboog, L., Ter Horst, J. and Zhang, C. (2008), Socially responsible investments: institutional aspects, performance, and investor behavior. Journal of Banking & Finance, vol. 32, is. 9, pp. 1723–1742.
21. Herrero, M., Thornton, P. K., Notenbaert, A. M., Wood, S., Msangi, S. … and Rosegrant, M. (2010), Smart investments in sustainable food production: revisiting mixed crop-livestock systems. Science, vol. 327, is. 5967, pр. 822–825.
22. Sparkes, R. and Cowton, C. J. (2004), The maturing of socially responsible investment: a review of the developing link with corporate social responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 52, is. 1, pp. 45–57.
23. Roco, M. C. (2003), Broader societal issues of nanotechnology. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, vol. 5, is. 3–4, pp. 181–189.
24. Steurer, R. (2010), The role of governments in corporate social responsibility: characterising public policies on CSR in Europe. Policy Sciences, vol. 43, pр. 49–72.
25. Frias-Aceituno, J. V., Rodriguez-Ariza, L. and Garcia-Sanchez, I. M. (2014), Explanatory factors of integrated sustainability and financial reporting. Business Strategy and the Environment, vol. 23, is. 1, pр. 56–72.
How to Cite
Bulavinova, N., Burdenko, I., Lehenchuk, S., Tsaruk, I., & Ostapchuk, T. (2021). Trends in research of responsible investment in the context of sustainable development: bibliometric analysis. Agricultural and Resource Economics: International Scientific E-Journal, 7(3), 179-199.