System for evaluation of financial security of operational activity of oil-and-fat industry enterprises




financial security of the enterprise, oil-and-fat industry, operating activities of the enterprise, financial stability, liquidity of the enterprise, models of diagnostics.


Purpose. The purpose of the article is to develop a system for evaluation the state of financial security of operating activities of enterprises in oil-and-fat industry based on the coordination of the interaction of the main factors of influence and levels of its components.

Methodology / approach. In the process of writing the article the following research methods were used: abstract-logical (at the systematization of scientific publications on the problems of management of enterprises in oil-and-fat industry, financial security of enterprises), grouping (by clustering enterprises depending on the obtained results), comparisons (by developing a model for assessing the degree of financial stability of operating activities of enterprises), coefficient (by developing a model for assessing the degree of liquidity of enterprises), formalization (by developing a matrix for diagnostics of the state of financial security of operating activities of enterprises), generalization (by formulating research conclusions).

Results. In the process of research, the system of complex evaluation of degrees and levels of the main components of financial security of the operations activities of the enterprises in oil-and-fat industry was substantiated: a model for assessing the financial stability of operating activities and a model for assessing the liquidity of an enterprise. A diagnostic matrix for the financial security status of the operational activities of the enterprises in oil-and-fat industry was developed to define the security boundaries of the operation activity of enterprises. Approbation of the proposed system for assessing the financial security of operating activities on the materials of the selected group of enterprises in the oil-and-fat industry made it possible to analyze the dynamics of the state of the financial security of their operating activities.

Originality / scientific novelty of the research is to develop tools for a comprehensive evaluation of the financial security of the operating activities of the enterprises in oil-and-fat industry. The method of determining the impact of the degree of financial stability and liquidity of the enterprise on the level of financial security of current activities was improved. For the first time, a nine-quadrant matrix of the state of financial security of operating activities of enterprises depending on the ratio of the degrees of the above factors was substantiated.

Practical value / implications. The use of the proposed system of financial security evaluation of operating activities of the enterprise, according to the authors, can serve as an effective mechanism for managing the financing current activities of enterprises in oil-and-fat industry and become an informative tool for factor analysis in managing their overall financial security.


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How to Cite

Dokiienko, L., Hrynyuk, N., Nakonechna, O., & Mykhailyk, O. (2021). System for evaluation of financial security of operational activity of oil-and-fat industry enterprises. Agricultural and Resource Economics: International Scientific E-Journal, 7(4), 138–159.


