Global trends and development prospects of the market of plant protection products




plant protection products, agriculture, forecast, pesticide market, import and export of pesticides.


Purpose. The aim of the study is to determine the prospects for the formation and development of the market for plant protection products in agriculture at the global and national levels, and to analyze the structure of pesticide use and identify countries leading in terms of use, export and import of pesticides.

Methodology / approach. During the research general scientific and special research methods were used, namely: monographic (in the study of theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation and development of the market of chemical plant protection products); analysis of time series (calculation of forecast indicators and main scenarios for the development of pesticide use in the world and in Ukraine); method of comparison (assessment of pesticide use indicators); abstract-logical (theoretical generalizations and formulation of conclusions). The starting point of the study was the data of the International Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the State Statistics Service of Ukraine.

Results. Analysis of current global trends in the development of the market for chemical plant protection products has shown that it increases production every year; most of the economically developed countries of the world continue to use significant amounts of plant protection products. Studies show that the main leaders in the world market for plant protection products are Chinese agrochemical monopoly companies, which are constantly increasing sales of their own production of plant protection products for the crop industry. It is proved that the largest exporters and importers of pesticides are European countries. It is established that the use of pesticides by Ukrainian enterprises indicates their higher volatility compared to global forecasts. Ways to improve the state policy on compliance with current legislation on the use of pesticides in agricultural production and ensure the safety of their use in accordance with international quality standards and the requirements of EU, in particular the European Green Deal, are proposed.

Originality / scientific novelty. It was revealed that in recent years there has been a steady trend towards the use of significant amounts of chemical plant protection products in the world, but in Ukraine they have been declining. The main reasons for the decline in pesticide use in Ukraine over the last decade are identified. For the first time, the forecast level of pesticide uses in the world and in Ukraine for the period up to 2030 was calculated according to different scenarios (expected, optimistic, pessimistic).

Practical value / implications. The results of the study have important practical value for manufacturers and exporters in shaping the market for chemical products in the world. The calculations of the forecast levels of pesticide use were carried out and it was possible to identify the current and future problems of pesticide use at the level of the world. The main indicators of the world market of pesticides and the structure of their use are important, which are considerable components in determining the state policy in the field of pesticides and agrochemicals.


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Hill, R. (1988). Problems and policy for pesticide exports to less developed countries. Natural Resources Journal, 28(4), 699–720. URL:

Valbuena, D., Cely-Santos, M., Obregón, D. (2021). Agrochemical pesticide production, trade, and hazard: narrowing the information gap in Colombia. Journal of Environmental Management, 286, 112141.

Gale, F., & Buzby, J. C. (2009). Imports from China and food safety issues. Economic Information Bulletin No. 52. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. Available at:

Hejazi, M., Grant, J. H., & Peterson, E. (2022). Trade impact of maximum residue limits in fresh fruits and vegetables. Food Policy, 106, 102203.

Galt, R. E. (2009). “It just goes to kill Ticos”: national market regulation and the political ecology of farmers’ pesticide use in Costa Rica. Journal of Political Ecology, 16(1), 1–33.

Zhang, W. J. (2018). Global pesticide use: Profile, trend, cost / benefit and more. Proceedings of the International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 8(1), 1–27. Available at:

Kozlovskyi, S., Mazur, H., Vdovenko, N., Shepel, T., & Kozlovskyi, V. (2018). Modeling and forecasting the level of state stimulation of agricultural production in Ukraine based on the theory of fuzzy logic. Montenegrin journal of economics, 14(3), 37–53.

Collins, C., Depledge, М., Fraser, R., Johnson, A., Hutchisone, G., Matthiessenf, P., Murphyg, R., … & Sumpteri, J. (2020). Key actions for a sustainable chemicals policy. Environment International, 137, 105463.

Frische, T., Egerer, S., Matezki, S., Pickl, C., & Wogram, J. (2018). 5-Point programme for sustainable plant protection. Environmental Sciences Europe, 30, 8.

Nicolopoulou-Stamati, P., Maipas, S., Kotampasi, C., Stamatis, P., & Hens, L. (2016). Chemical pesticides and human health: the urgent need for a new concept in agriculture. Frontiers in Public Health, 4(148),

FAO (2021). Strategic framework for the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) 2020–2030. Protecting global plant resources and facilitating safe trade. Available at:

Shishir, A., Bhowmik, A., Akanda, N., Mamun, A., Khan, S., & Hoq, M. M. (2015). Efficacy of indigenous Bacillus thuringiensis strains for controlling major vegetable pests in Bangladesh. Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control, 25(3), 729–734. Available at:

Bailey, K. L., Boyetchko, S. M., & Längle, T. (2010). Social and economic drivers shaping the future of biological control: a Canadian perspective on the factors affecting the development and use of microbial biopesticides. Biological Control, 52(3), 221–229.

Pavela, R. (2009). Larvicidal effects of some Euro-Asiatic plants against Culex quinquefasciatus Say (Diptera: Culicidae). Parasitology Research, 105(3), 887–892.

Popp, J., Pető, K., & Nagy, J. (2013). Pesticide productivity and food security. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 33, 243–255.

Donley, N. (2019). The USA lags behind other agricultural nations in banning harmful pesticides. Environmental Health, 18(44),



How to Cite

Vdovenko, N., Tomilin, O., Kovalenko, L., Gechbaia, B., & Konchakovskiy, E. (2022). Global trends and development prospects of the market of plant protection products. Agricultural and Resource Economics: International Scientific E-Journal, 8(2), 179–205.


