Entrepreneurship in organic production – an incentive for sustainable rural development


  • Venelin Terziev Angel Kanchev University of Ruse Vasil Levski National Military University – Veliko Tarnovo




organic farming, sustainable development, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship


The implementation of the strategic goals of economic, social and ecological development should start by entrepreneurship encouragement in rural areas for development of agrarian and related activities. The significance of protection of environmental components (soil, water, air, biodiversity, landscape) in global aspect directs the development towards sustainable agriculture, and organic production in particular, and its integration to other activities as tourism development. Current paper discusses entrepreneurship in organic production and trade as one of the main drivers of economic growth, productiveness and innovations in rural regions. Organic production is economically effective, ecologically compatible and socially responsible and it occurs to be an effective entrepreneurial strategy for rural development starting from urban areas demand and embracing not only food or other products but also places for rest, tourism, landscape preservation, protection of nature, culture, infrastructure development, etc., aiming at increase in competitiveness by applying an ecological technology using a new approach – planning, management and control over the production process. 



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How to Cite

Terziev, V. (2016). Entrepreneurship in organic production – an incentive for sustainable rural development. Agricultural and Resource Economics: International Scientific E-Journal, 2(4), 30–42. https://doi.org/10.51599/are.2016.02.04.03


