Formation of competitive strategy of enterprises of the agricultural sector in foreign market
enterprise, the agricultural sector, the external market, competitiveness, development strategy, competitive strategyAbstract
The article examines the process of forming competitive strategy for enterprises of the agricultural sector and the main ways to improve the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises in foreign market.
Detected that the entire activity of the enterprises of the agricultural sector must be based on accurate and verified knowledge of the needs of the target market and consumer demand, evaluating and taking into account production conditions in the nearest time and for the future.
Emphasized that the effectiveness of functional strategies depends on well-formed and implemented in practical activity of operational strategies which means strategies for the narrow principal divisions of enterprises of the agricultural sector, which is not independent.
In the article allotted the main directions of improving the competitiveness of enterprises of agrarian sector in entering the foreign markets and the main types of strategies of enterprises and lists the stages of development and implementation of competitive strategies of enterprises of the agricultural sector in the foreign market.
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