Efficiency of production and processing of rapeseed for biodiesel in Ukraine
Purpose. The purpose of the study is the discovering factors for increasing yield and efficiency of the development of rapeseed cultivation; generalization of foreign and domestic experience in the production and processing of rapeseed into biodiesel; substantiation of parameters of economic efficiency of production and processing of rapeseed into biodiesel by factories of various capacities in enterprises of Ukraine.
Methodology / approach. The following scientific methods were used in the study: historical-and-logical for analyzing the dynamics of the development of rapeseed cultivation in Ukraine; system approach – study of connections between phenomena and processes of economic activity of enterprises; monographic – summarizing advanced domestic and foreign experience of the researched topic; series of dynamics – study of trends and regularities in the development of rapeseed cultivation; grouping – study of the influence of the main factors on the development of rapeseed cultivation; calculation-constructive – forecasting the development of rapeseed cultivation; economic-mathematical – optimization of efficiency parameters of biodiesel production from rapeseed; abstract-logical – the formation of theoretical and production processes, conclusions and proposals regarding the production and processing of rapeseed into biodiesel.
Results. Rapeseed production in Ukraine for 1990–2021 was analyzed. The impact of productivity on the efficiency of rapeseed production was determined. The productivity and efficiency of rapeseed production are increased by: introduction of innovative cultivation technologies; selection of hybrid seeds; implementation of recommended measures to combat diseases, pests and weeds. It was found that during the analyzed period, 92 % of the rapeseed crop was sold outside of Ukraine. The parameters of the efficiency of rapeseed and biodiesel production were optimized. Organizational-and-economic directions for increasing the efficiency of production and processing of rapeseed for biodiesel in Ukraine are proposed.
Originality / scientific novelty. The organizational-and-economic parameters of effective production and processing of rapeseed for biodiesel in the conditions of Ukraine are substantiated. For the first time, a scenario forecast for the development of rapeseed cultivation for 2030–2035 and recommendations for the implementation of forecast tasks in Ukrainian enterprises are developed.
Practical value / implications. The results of the research can be used in the practical activities of enterprises in the agricultural sector of Ukraine. The implementation of the recommendations on rapeseed processing will make it possible to: improve the supply of biodiesel to enterprises in the conditions of the energy crisis; increase the number of jobs in the countryside and the income of enterprises; expand the volume of receipt of nutritionally valuable concentrated fodder for animal husbandry and, on this basis, increase grain resources for food purposes.
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