Management of logistic systems agrarian enterprises


  • Volodymyr Kolodiichuk Lviv National Agrarian University



management, factors, backlogs, logistic system, agrarian enterprise, efficiency


The most reserve containing directions of logistic systems’ and mechanism of exposure and maximal backlogs using as potential possibilities to improve end-points are determined. Classification of influence factors on efficiency of the logistic systems’ functioning in agrarian enterprises into intra- and external system is offered, and actually from management position of this system – managed and out of control. Distribution of intra-system factors on organizationally-structural, functionally-economic and social consumer is found; external system influence factors on efficiency of functioning agricultural enterprises  – degree of agrarian complex integrating into the world logistic systems, the level of infrastructural providing AIC development and parameters of effective demand on these agrarian complex products.


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How to Cite

Kolodiichuk, V. (2016). Management of logistic systems agrarian enterprises. Agricultural and Resource Economics: International Scientific E-Journal, 2(4), 106–117.


