Impact of social responsibility on the formation of skills of applicants of higher education
social responsibility, skills of applicants of higher education, communication, creativity, competence, social responsibility of HEIsAbstract
In the article the essence of social responsibility and its impact on the skills of higher education applicants were discussed. The global factors were analyzed and some changes in the skills of the society were discovered. The basic skills of HEIs’ applicants in 2015 and those which are going to be popular in 2020 were analyzed. It was found that in 2020 the skills of applicants of higher education will be developed related to the communicative sphere, ability to complex problem solving, cognitive flexibility, critical thinking and so on. The detailed skills of applicants of higher education, according to the best and worst Ukrainian graduating rate in 2016 were given. It is proved that the skills of candidates of higher education institutions of Ukraine must take into account the changes associated with the rapid development of technology and lean to the environment, adapting training programs to the needs of today.
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