European model of the investment support of rural development policy


  • Oksana Prokopchuk Zhytomyr National Agroecological University
  • Tetyana Usyuk Zhytomyr National Agroecological University



european experience, investment, investment support, investment initiative, rural development policy, rural areas, rural financial infrastructure


The article summarized the European experience of the investment support of rural development policy. Detailed development goals and described strategic directions of investment activity in rural areas. Defined, that the investment activity is a way to maximize the social, economic and environmental effects of the «Europe 2020» strategy implementation. The authors consider inclusive policy implementation of rural areas as important direction of investment activity. Proved that the priorities of investment policy of rural development support of member states of the EU is in promotion of social integration, the rural economy development, the poverty eradication and the innovative communication technologies implementation. Also, the article analyzes the dynamics of financial flows, especially their distribution and use in member states of the EU in the scope of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development. The authors evaluated the institutional framework of investment support for rural development of Ukraine and defined the ways of rural financial infrastructure development.


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How to Cite

Prokopchuk, O., & Usyuk, T. (2016). European model of the investment support of rural development policy. Agricultural and Resource Economics: International Scientific E-Journal, 2(4), 149–160.


