Regional development of wine tourism in the context of climate change: the experience of the Odesa region

Keywords: wine tourism, development of viticulture and winemaking enterprises, management, climate change, breeding, grape variety.


Purpose. The purpose of the article is to assess the specificity of regional development of wine tourism in the context of climate change and globalisation, as well as to determine the components of its promotion in Odesa region.

Methodology / approach. To analyse the state of the viticulture and winemaking industry in Ukraine, the official statistics data and database of the vineyard Cadastre in Ukraine are used. Calculations of agroclimatic resources indicators for Odesa region territory are carried out under two scenarios until 2050. The research uses a systematic approach, namely the abstract-logical method and analytical deduction, as well as trend and cluster analysis.

Results. The state of the viticulture and winemaking industry of Ukraine and Odesa region is analysed. It is found that 64.9 % of Ukraine’s grape plantations are located in Odesa region, of which 63.2 % are plantations of technical varieties. The share of the region in the area of varieties of new selection is 61.8 %, including technical varieties – 51.9 %, which indicates the development of the potential of the region in the direction of wine tourism with the presentation of exclusive local wines, which is a positive factor. There is a clear increase in the trend of the air temperatures sum, a slight decrease in the trend of the precipitation amount and a tendency to a more significant increase in the average minimum temperature in the central parts of the Odesa region for the period from 1991 to 2020. Calculations of agroclimatic resources for the territory of Odesa region under two scenarios until 2050 are carried out. The business model of a small wine tourism enterprise using the CANVAS matrix is developed. The components of management of the wine tourism regional development are substantiated and its directions are systematically determined in the context of the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.

Originality / scientific novelty. For the first time, based on the forecast calculations of agroclimatic resources for the territory of Odesa region under scenarios A1B and A2 by 2050, the article demonstrates changes that require newly selected varieties to be resistant to higher temperatures and reduced precipitation, as well as increased resistance to diseases and pests. For the first time, the components of the tourist potential of the Odesa region are identified, which include the possibility of developing sustainable viticulture in the context of climate change due to its innovative provision, primarily through the use of a number of new resistant varieties.

Practical value / implications. Taking into account climate change and globalisation determines the activities of small viticulture and winemaking enterprises. This allows enterprises to adapt to new conditions and increase resistance to negative impacts. Taking into account the production, aesthetic and entertainment aspects of activities in the field of wine tourism allows enterprises to create a holistic tourism product for Odesa region.


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How to Cite
Pechko, V., Kovalova, I., Muliukina, N., Lyashenko, H., & Belous, I. (2024). Regional development of wine tourism in the context of climate change: the experience of the Odesa region. Agricultural and Resource Economics: International Scientific E-Journal, 10(3), 133–167.