Improving the model of agricultural project management

  • Oksana Prysiazhniuk Zhytomyr National Agroecological University
  • Maria Plotnikova Zhytomyr National Agroecological University
Keywords: agricultural project, development, management, model, agriculture.


The purpose of the article is to detect the problems of project management in the agricultural sector and the factors that facilitate their occurrence; to determine directions for improvement of the agricultural project management model in order to ensure the efficiency of agricultural producers’ functioning and achievement of strategic goals of the AIC development. The article reveals the factors of negative impact on the level of project management in agriculture (the need to consider overall issues of the AIC, orientation towards the nationwide strategy of its development in terms of before-investment stage and risk-related declining in customers' purchase power on the local market). The directions suggested for improving the model of agricultural project management will facilitate the rise of efficiency in the functioning of agricultural producers and achievement of strategic aims of the AIC development. The research technique implies the use of graphic way of the economic statistics method when configuring the scheme of improving the model of agricultural project management. With the help of abstract-logical method, theoretical generalizations were conducted, conclusions and suggestions were composed. The method of system analysis is applied to evaluate the complex of interrelated components that shape the model of agricultural project management. The suggested improved model of agricultural project management is based, foremost, on coordinated efforts of specialists of regional state administrations and heads of agricultural projects.


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How to Cite
Prysiazhniuk, O., & Plotnikova, M. (2017). Improving the model of agricultural project management. Agricultural and Resource Economics: International Scientific E-Journal, 3(1), 164-172.