State support of technical provision of ecologically oriented agricultural enterprises
machine-tractor fleet, agricultural enterprises, organic production, technical provision, state support, efficiency, financial leasing.Abstract
The purpose of the paper is to study the ecologically oriented agricultural enterprises technical equipment state support features. It has been proved that machine-tractor fleet which consists of power facilities set, agricultural machinery and implements that are designed to perform agricultural operations is an important component of the technical service agricultural enterprises. Modern machinery manning and highly effective use of as separated aggregates, technological complexes, as well as tractor fleet enterprises in general is the basis of agricultural products production maximum, its quality and competitiveness provision. It has been established that technical provision problems that are typical for enterprises that implement innovative technologies, produce organic products. It has been proved that unprofitable industries, lack of liquid mortgage, high probability of credit return failure and legal mechanisms imperfection slows down ecologically oriented enterprises technical equipment upgrade. It has been grounded that economic support of above-mentioned producers, should be an important part of the state agricultural policy.
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