Export of Ukrainian agricultural products through Poland – route restrictions





agricultural trade, export routes, food security, grain crisis, Russian-Ukrainian war, transit routes, transport enterprises.


Purpose. The study aims to (i) identify barriers to the efficient flow of agricultural products from Ukraine along the European Union (EU) solidarity lanes that pass through the territory of Poland and (ii) recommend actions that will improve transit.

Methodology / approach. The information collection method was questionnaire using Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviews. Structured interviews were conducted with representatives of Polish transport companies that provided services for the transportation of agricultural products from Ukraine through Poland. Information processing methods include structure analysis and statistical description.

Results. It was found that improving the transit of agricultural products from Ukraine via the transit route through Poland would help mitigate the effects of the grain crisis in all its aspects. The bottlenecks of this alternative transit route are identified. It was presented what infrastructural, technical, regulatory, administrative and organisational activities would improve transit. Attention was paid to the importance of social support for the success of the project.

Originality / scientific novelty. The study is a source of new knowledge obtained by analysing methodically and purposefully collected data – through structured interviews with representatives of Polish transport companies. The applied value of the study lies in the fact that it formulates recommendations for solving an urgent problem of economic practice, namely the export of Ukrainian agricultural products under conditions of war.

Practical value / implications. Due to the prolonged Russian-Ukrainian war, there was an urgent need to develop alternative routes for the export of Ukrainian agricultural products. The development of the transit route through Poland expresses the commitment to alleviate the effects of the global food crisis caused by the war unleashed by Russia in Ukraine and to help the war-torn country. Hence the applied importance of research in this area.


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How to Cite

Sadłowski, A., & Zając, A. (2024). Export of Ukrainian agricultural products through Poland – route restrictions. Agricultural and Resource Economics: International Scientific E-Journal, 10(4), 29–46. https://doi.org/10.51599/are.2024.10.04.02


