Funding for sustainable development of rural communities: European experience
rural communities, sustainable development, funding, EU policies, EU joint budget, EU structural funds, financial support, Ukraine.Abstract
Purpose. The study aims to assess the European experience of funding for sustainable development of rural communities and the possibility of its implementation in Ukraine.
Methodology / approach. The research was carried out using the following methods: bibliometric, trend, cluster – to assess the scientific productivity of research, identify key trends in scientific approaches to the issues under study; comparative, systemic, institutional and functional analysis – to determine the functional links between different elements of the European Union (EU) funding system, as well as correlation and regression analysis – to establish the degree of interconnection between different sources of funding for rural communities in the EU member states.
Results. The authors conducted a cluster analysis and built a bibliometric map of the distribution of publications by country for the search query “sustainable development” and “sustainable rural development funding” in the Scopus database between countries for the period 2000–2024. This allowed to form a clear scientific picture of the development of the studied issues, as well as to establish the relevance, complexity and interdisciplinarity of approaches to solving the outlined tasks. It has been proved that the common budget is an instrument for implementing policies and programmes that promote economic growth, social cohesion, and stability in the EU, helping member states solve problems and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. It is emphasised that the EU budgetary policy affects the eligibility conditions and criteria for the allocation of funds and thus reflects the EU’s political priorities, among which sustainable development of rural areas and communities is among the key ones. The composition and structure of financial instruments used for the sustainable development of rural communities in the EU under the Cohesion Policy were clarified. The main funding instruments for rural communities in EU member states, including loans, grants, capital or quasi-capital, and guarantees, are highlighted. It is emphasised that using the EU’s experience in funding sustainable development of rural communities, Ukraine can successfully continue its path to European integration, implementing the necessary reforms and using European resources to modernise and develop both communities and the economy as a whole.
Originality / scientific novelty. The study provides a deeper understanding of the funding mechanisms and their impact on the regional development of member states. An empirical study of the integration of various financial instruments, such as grants, loans, capital and quasi-capital, and guarantees, allows identifying new dependencies that have not been previously taken into account in research. The results contribute to scientific knowledge, deepening the understanding of the mechanisms of financial support for the sustainable development of rural communities.
Practical value / implications. The results of the study can be used by local governments in developing strategies for the socio-economic development of rural communities, particularly, the European experience of attracting and using financial resources can contribute to the achievement of economic, environmental and social parameters of sustainable development.
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