Decoding intentions to purchase organic food products in an emerging economy via artificial neural networks
artificial neural networks, green consumerism, green products, organic food, organic food products, sustainability, Sustainable Development Goals.Abstract
Purpose. This study investigates the factors influencing consumers’ intentions to purchase organic food products in an emerging economy. It addresses the knowledge gap regarding the slower growth of the organic food market in these regions despite the global trend toward environmental sustainability.
Methodology / approach. A survey approach involving 350 participants was used. Structural equation modeling (SEM) with SmartPLS 4 and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) with IBM SPSS 28 were used to analyse the impact of awareness of need, personal norms, environmental concern, and health consciousness on the intention to purchase organic food products.
Results. The study found significant positive influences of awareness of need, personal norms, environmental concern, and health consciousness on the intention to purchase organic food products, explaining 63.1 % of the variance. Both the analysis approaches (PLS-SEM & ANN) revealed that, health consciousness, followed by awareness of need, emerged as the most important factor related to the intention to purchase organic food products. The results highlight the importance of awareness and personal values in driving pro-environmental behaviour.
Originality / scientific novelty. This research offers essential insights into the determinants of organic food purchase intentions in an emerging economy. It emphasises the significance of awareness and personal values in fostering sustainable consumption behaviour, addressing a less explored area in existing literature.
Practical value / implications. The findings have important implications for policymakers and marketers. Strategies focused on consumer education about the benefits of organic food can enhance awareness and appeal. Understanding core psychological needs and beliefs that shape consumer motivations can guide the development of effective marketing strategies. The study highlights the strong environmental consciousness among consumers and their desire to protect the environment.
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