Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement
Editorial Policy and ethics of publications
The journal «Agricultural and Resource Economics» consequently compiles with editorial standards COPE Code of Conduct, approved by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).
Editorial Policy
The editorial board reserves the right to perform minor reductions and edits of submitted articles while preserving the main conclusions and original style. The identity of the reviewers of individual submitted articles will under no circumstances be disclosed to the author or third parties. The materials provided by authors for publishing in the journal «Agricultural and Resource Economics» can not be published in other journals or collections of conference proceedings. The author is solely responsible for the original text of the article. The author is responsible for plagiarism. The views expressed in these articles do not necessarily reflect the views of the views of the editorial board. Reproduction and translation of articles is permitted only with the consent of the author and editors.
The editorial board reserves the right not to accept articles for publication that are not submitted according to the stated requirements, not relevant to the journal, contain a significant amount of grammatical, spelling and/or stylistic errors or other causes which, in the opinion of the editorial board, make it unsuitable for publication in the journal «Agricultural and Resource Economics» without any explanation of the decision.
As the journal is an electronic one and there is no printed version of the journal, articles are published on the journal «Agricultural and Resource Economics» are placed in PDF format on the website of the journal. All site visitors have free access to full-text published in the journal. Published journal articles are also placed on the web site of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, ICI World of Journals database and free, open access repository of full-text scholarly literature in agricultural and applied economics AgEcon Search, developed and maintained by the University of Minnesota Libraries and the Department of Applied Economics with support from the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA). The metadata for the articles is placed on international scientometric databases, which contributes to their citation and promotion.
Ethics of publications
Compliance with ethics of publications is an important aspect of the editorial and review process. Preventing improper practices, such as cheating, plagiarism and other similar forms, is the responsibility of each author, editor, reviewer, publisher and institution involved in the publication process.
The author bears responsibility for the novelty and reliability of the results of scientific research presented in their articles and must observe the following principles:
- Only reliable and actual research data and results should be presented;
- Results of the highlighted research in the article should be entirely original.
- Sources of all supporting data, facts, evidence should be appropriately refered to in the text and references. Citations should be properly documented. The contribution of other scientists should be referred to;
- Do not submit any manuscript that is under consideration for or already published in another publication.
The text of articles, tables, graphics and formulas are protected by copyright.
The editorial board strongly condemns any manifestations of plagiarism in articles as copyright infringement and contrary to scientific ethics, and will take all possible steps to prevent it. In case of plagiarism authors are responsible for material provided.
The responsibility for the accuracy of facts, quotations, proper names, geographical names, names of companies, organizations, institutions and other information is the author's. The opinions expressed in the articles do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board and do not impose any obligation on it.